3D Printers
Filament 3D Printing
Resin 3D Printing
Laser Cutters
Laserbox by Makeblock
Industrial Standard Laser Machines

GCC laser cutters are commonly used in schools in Thailand, and around the world due to excellent value and safety reputation.
They are paired up with standalone ventilation machines to allow them to be used within the classroom setting.
The most popular is the Mercury 3 metal tube laser, schools in Bangkok have been using this model for over 7 years.
The new s400 is an incredible machine, and lightning fast!
GCC Mercuary III (3):
25W or 40W options
635 x 458 mm (working area)
GCC s400:​
30W to 100W options avaiable
1016 x 610 mm (working area)

Epilog are a premium brand of laser cutter manufactured in the USA. They are used in many Thailand universities and have an excellent reputation. ​
Epilog provide a large range of laser cutters here in Bangkok, and as part of any purchase comes a great support package including regular servicing every 3 months.
Available options include the Zing, Mini, Helix and Fusion.
Epilog Laser Zing 16:
406 x 305 mm (working area)
Epilog Laser Zing 24:
610 x 305 mm (working area)
Epilog Laser Mini 18:
457 x 305 mm (working area)
Epilog Laser Mini 24:
610 x 305 mm (working area)
Epilog Laser Helix 24:
610 x 475 mm (working area)
Epilog Laser Fusion Pro:
812 x 508 mm (working area)